Chapter 9 by A. Don Holsipple

Without measuring human worth, the gift of life is precious containing potential for greatness or ignominious failure. We evaluate according to our cultural norms, dividing good from the bad. We search for facts, picking up fiction along the way. With conversations and musings finished, we have the reality of murder, a passion, misdirected emotions, an unforgivable offense, and an unredeemable loss.
Our sensibilities are bothered by a bloody mess in the elevator. “Why” worms its’ way through our consciousness, asking for details and reasons and expecting the long arm of the law to solve and fix this travesty. Who is the perpetrator? How many people are part and party to this wrongful act? Do we become amateur sleuths, believing we have the answers?
Rumor spreads because folks like to talk and speculate. The current marketing campaign for new residents would be in jeopardy if the papers printed even a sketch of murder in one of their buildings. Alistair McDuff had to act quickly to maintain the reputation and appeal of this Independent Senior Living campus.
Thankfully, Patrolman Lewis of Bradenton PD took control of the crime scene, sequestering spectators in the Betsy Ross room. Soon, Detectives Tracy with partner Franks arrived, hopefully bringing a speedy and neat conclusion to this sordid affair. At least, that’s what McDuff hoped. His comment and direction in meeting with his staff were, “Let the law do their job; we have other pressing matters to solve. I’ve contacted “SLC,” Senior Living Consultants from Dunnellon, asking for a meeting. Be prepared to apply their recommendations, providing we all agree.
Herman Holman, the senior member of the “Investigative Arm” of SLC, sipped the last of his unique blend “Gevalia Majestic Roast” coffee. With honey as a sweetener and organic half and half, the concoction would give enough mental energy to get through the day. The email had to be read and answered with two reminders of scheduled meetings noted and deleted; the next read, “ProtonMail, a secure and encrypted message. Click to open." 
The content was undoubtedly confidential and private, a detailed account of a homicide at Freedom Village in Bradenton. Alistair McDuff, General Manager, and Executive Director were asking for the services of our company. He and select staff members sought an unannounced and private meeting to head off a scandal and protect the current marketing campaign. His highlighted words in the email were, “We have a large number of empty apartments ready and waiting for “Senior Citizens” who we’ve contacted and are interested in “Independent Living” here, at FV, in the Sunshine State! They don’t need to hear about a murder committed in one of our elevators. Who would ever want to ride in that space again?”
We have rented office space at Rainbow Springs Realty Group, a developer of properties. Our company, SLC, Senior Living Consultants, was the brainchild of Dr. Delbert Caldwell, a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, the author of several books on Elder Care, and the developer of SLC, situated in Dunnellon, Florida. Succinctly stated, we offer Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, the basics of human existence, plus the social aspect of belonging and respect. Determined needs are discussed and solved through counseling/planning and follow-up.
“Able” Mable, the wife of Herman Holman, was the executive assistant and office manager for SLC. She crafted the official reply using the icon provided at the base of McDuff’s’ ProtonMail, automatically encrypted. Future correspondence would be on regular, secure lines. Meetings will occur at the Freedom Village office.
The road ahead would not be without difficulties. The challenge was; to prevent image degradation, assure security, making positive notes about the facility with future enhancements to apartments and grounds.
We know gates or fences do not achieve the security we desire. Electronic surveillance and alarm systems have protective functions that may warrant discussion and improvement. McDuff hinted at the last meeting with SLC that he would contact OSA Global Security Agency, a local LLC company, for their expertise. Besides that, McDuff figured “Forever Vigilant” would be his mantra.
